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Thoughts on The Rolling Stones 2003-2024
Friday, 14 October 2005
Whirlwind Tour
Mood:  cheeky
I promise that I will update the Shrine with all the nitty gritty details of my on the road escapades as soon as I get a minute. I have basically been running from town to town, with only a bit of working at my "real" job in between. I went from Toronto, to Pittsburgh, to Hershey, to DC, to Philly in a matter of several weeks. I have tons of photos to upload and lots of reviews to write. I have three weeks to catch up before I am off to LA, San Diego and San Francisco...then that's it for me until the new year and who knows what lies ahead from there? Special thanks a while to Blondie & Bill...and a special kick in the ass to Bernard who owes me one BIG favor from Pittsburgh ;-)

Posted by blue_lena at 11:57 PM EDT
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Thursday, 20 October 2005 - 10:12 PM EDT

Name: Charles Steffens
Home Page:

You seem to be close to the Stones band and found your
blog in a net search and what guitars they use.
I saw Rough Justice played on TV during some football
special. Ron Wood played a 3 pickup guitar and I am trying
to find the name. Sorry if you're not into equipment but
I had to try. Thanks for any info.
(Just heard this on tv: the word travel is from French meaning mostly to work and not for vacation.)

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