When the Stones started down the catwalk I anxiously waited for Keith. When he was almost in front of me, my friends and I yelled "Keith!!" and I stretched out my hand with the scarf towards him. Like a miracle in slow motion Keith turned around, bent down, took the scarf from my hand and gave me the fist to the "head, heart & balls" gesture. I just about died. Missed the whole next song on the B-stage "Little Queenie" because I was delirious with excitement.
Little did I know, but that was just the beginning of the many scarves Keith would accept from me over the next few tours. Pretty soon everyone was giving Keith scarves. I still maintain it was my original idea, because even though people have given things to Keith before, all of the sudden the scarf givers multiplied by the 1000's. You can always recognize me at a show because I always have at least one skull scarf with me! As of 11-11-06 Keith has over 20 of my skull scarves, plus 2 belts, 2 skull necklaces & a skull wallet chain. And not only Keith, but Blondie Chaplin and Bernard Fowler each have a few scarves & rings too. A book entitled "Love You Live Rolling Stones" written by Marilou Regan & Hans Oosterbaan also recounts my original story about the skulls scarves. I retain one of each of the scarves, belts & necklces that match the ones I gave to Keith. And, no, again sorry, I don't sell any of the items!
Keith can be seen wearing some of my scarves in the Four Flicks DVD-Budokan, Japan, Circus Krone, Germany and Paris. He is also wearing my skull chain at the MSG show. Keith can be seen wearing skull shirt I gave him on the Biggest Bang dvd during Pittsburgh rehearsals.
The multi-colored scarf which I gave to Keith from the front row of Veteran's Stadium he wore for the final bow.
This was the second scarf I had given to Keith.(Photo Dan Rease)
Five months later in March '98 Keith was spotted in Argentina on his hotel balcony
still carrying my scarf from the Philly '97 show(Photo courtesy of Mario Rosero)
Keith wearing HIS OWN skull scarf '97, I have a duplicate of HIS original scarf too,
from the Gimme Shelter store in Japan (Photo James Crowley)
The first scarf given to Keith during the Licks 2002-03 Tour in Washington, DC October 4, 2002
Keith with scarf #8 in hand on the catwalk at the Fed Ex Field Washington, DC show October 4, 2002(Photo Linda Harris)
Bernard Fowler became the owner of this scarf in Nov. '02, before that it was hanging on my lamp at the Fairmont San Francisco. Keith also now has this same scarf courtesy of my friend Elizabeth from the last US show in Las Vegas 2-8-03 (Photo Blue Lena)
Blondie requested a scarf in purple & especially liked the dragon design. He was given this scarf in Pittsburgh 1-10-03 (Photo Blue Lena)
Blondie wore the skull scarf I had given him for his gig at the Double Door in Chicago 1-21-03 (Photo Blue Lena)
My Rolling Stones tongue ring that Blondie Chaplin "stole" from me in LA and has been wearing ever since. Bernard saw the ring and requested one, which I finally found and gave to him at the Toronto SARS show in July. Blondie has since ruined his ring by banging it on his tambourine too much!

Keith poses with the DC scarf, hanging it from his balcony at the Four Seasons in LA 10-31-02. He wore this scarf for the final bow at the LA Halloween show as well! (Photos courtesy OldKR & Stonesdoug)
This is the scarf I gave Keith in Pittsburgh 1-10-03. He personally thanked me for it the next day as he left for Boston.
I got a kiss on the lips from Keith!(Photo Blue Lena)
Keith wore the Pittsburgh scarf for the final bow in Chicago 1-21-03. Looks like he got a bit tangled & Ronnie is helping out.
(Photo Blue Lena)

I had also given Keith a skull chain in Cleveland, Ohio 10-14-02 which he wore as a necklace at many shows afterwards (it is the shorter of the 2 chains he's wearing in photos from Columbus, San Diego and Las Vegas) Blondie also has the same chain, which he wore as a trouser chain (Photos Blue Lena, Ed Sharp, Brian Marriott)
Silver skull saber necklace that I sent to Keith's dressing room while backstage at the San Jose show.
Keith with scarf #9 tucked into his pants at the B-stage Chicago 1-21-03.
This red & black scarf is a duplicate of the scarf I gave him at MSG '98. (Photo Blue Lena)
Keith also wore the red & black scarf dangling from his waist at the Budokan show in Japan on March 10, 2003. (Photo Japanese press)
Keith in Japan with my scarf on his right hip
Keith in Japan where my red & black skull scarf can again be seen
Keith again wore that same scarf as a bandana while hanging out with Ronnie in Japan!
(Thanks to Vic Vicena for forwarding this photo, the photographer is unknown)
Keith wearing my scarf for the final bow in Melbourne, Australia on February 25, 2003. (Photo Jaime Castaneda)
Keith also wore the same scarf again March 5, 2003 for the final bow in Brisbane, Australia, this is a photo taken by Bjornulf Vik at IORR.ORG
Photo by Bjornulf Vik
Photo by Ullie
Photo by Ullie
He also again wore this scarf for the final bow in Bangalore,India.
Another final bow with the black & white scarf in hand
One of my scarves hanging from Keith's window at the Grand Hotel Stockholm. Photo by Tommy "Keithian".
The same scarf that Keith hung from his balcony in LA in October, is shown hanging from his balcony at the Amstel Hotel in Amsterdam in August 9-21.
Photo Blue Lena
This is scarf #14 given to Keith at the Phoenix Theatre secret club gig show in Toronto, Canada on 8-10-05.
Special thanks to TR for his kindness!
Photo Blue Lena
Keith, is that my scarf you're wearing on your head on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine in 2005?
Keith wearing the red glitter skull scarf (#15) I sent backstage to him in Toronto 9-26-05
The scarf on the left with the red skulls is the one above in the final bow shot
Blondie with the multi-colored skull scarf in Pittsburgh 2005 (Photo Susan Weisner)
Sequined belt given to Keith backstage in Chicago 1-25-06. He wore it during the Chicago show, Atlanta on 2-8-06 and Las Vegas 3-4-06. He also wore it in Rio and it can be seen in the concert movie
Keith wearing another belt I gave him in Vegas 2005
Belt I gave Keith in Vegas 2005
Keith wearing both belts in Vegas
Keith & Ronnie in the Baboon Cage jamming
during the Licks Tour, my scarf is on the back of the couch
Keith with my blue scarf on his right hip in Regina
Wearing the blue scarf at Giants Stadium
Giants Stadium bow
Keith wearing the red & black skull scarf I gave him in Vegas November 11, 2006
Keith on stage in Vegas 11.11.06 with my scarf tucked in his coat pocket (Photo Bill Wilson)
Another shot of Keith in Vegas with my scarf in his pocked (Photo Bill Wilson)
Scarf sent backstage to Keith in Atlantic City 11.27.06
My scarf dangles from beneath Keith's guitar in Atlantic City
Scarf hanging from Keith's right hip during final bow Atlantic City 11.21.06 (Photo Boosa)
Keith wearing the shirt I gave him for rehearsals in Pittsburgh 2005 as seen in the Biggest Bang dvd (thanks to G. Hopman for stills).
Keith entering the hotel in Pittsburgh wearing my shirt
I gave Keith's daughter Angela my own shirt, like the one I gave Keith since she liked it so much!
Keith wearing Tibetan prayer scarf I threw to him on B stage at 02 Arena in London 8.23.07, he has it wrapped directly around his neck (white and red)
On June 20, 2015 the Stones returned to Pittsburgh, PA for the first time in 10 years. I had the pleasure of being invited to soundcheck and to Keith's dressing room before the show. I gave Keith a rare Alexander McQueen teal silk skull scarf with yellow skulls. We took a few pix backstage, and Keith had the scarf over his shoulder, however, he did not wear it during the show. Then over a year later in November 2016 I was stunned & thrilled to see Keith wearing it on the red carpet in NYC at the opening of the Rolling Stones Exhibitionism in NYC!

These are some photos of my actual Keith Shrine taken back in January 2003